Branding: the brand management strategy

How branding is essential in building a strong brand

The perception that the public has of a brand, as well as its strength in the market, depend on a management strategy: branding. This involves a series of actions that aim to make it recognized, respected and desired by the public.


First of all, what is the concept of a brand?

Branding involves everything the company does to make it unique and therefore everything that represents your business. The company’s values and its own experience with the public are what make it stand out from all the others in the market. Thus, the concept of a brand goes far beyond graphic and visual representation, comprising all the actions that contribute to its identity.

In order for the brand to grow and meet the needs of your customers, it must be strengthened and this is only achieved through a good management strategy: Branding.


Branding: brand management strategy

The branding strategy is a permanent work whose results can be visible in the medium and long term. Thus, there are at least three important phases of this process that must be defined and executed to achieve the objectives.

1. Brand building and positioning

This is the first and most important stage of the strategy, as the following stages will build on it. This is where you will define how you want the world to see you, based on the elements that differentiate your brand from the others:

  • Values and mission: Values indicate everything that is important to the brand and that consumers will identify with, while the mission is everything the company does to put those values into practice.
  • Definition of target audience and mapping of personas: It is essential to define who are the people you want to reach because only then will you pass your message in the best way to those who can benefit from your product. In addition, persona mapping helps you outline your ideal customer profile so you can use that information to support your branding strategy.
  • Tone of voice: Setting the way you are going to address people should be appropriate to what they identify with and could be more formal or more relaxed, for example.
  • Channels and content: Identifying the best channels to get your message across is the best way to be effective in conveying your brand values and personality.

2. Visual Identity

The aim of this stage is to convey everything that has been previously defined through the message, graphics and experience provided to customers. Here it is necessary to establish the colors of the brandas these highlight the brand and manage to convey sensations, as well as the typography. typography and its logo. The elements defined in this phase should be used in a homogeneous way in all communication channels, so that the brand is easily recognized by the public.

3. Brand Promotion and Points of Sale

Brand promotion is based on how the brand makes its product known. Thus, it is necessary to ensure the visual identity in order to reinforce its positioning and ensure the achievement of the objectives set by the marketing strategy. The brand must be promoted through this same identity and be visible not only in physical but also virtual points of sale and in the customer experience itself in all places of contact with it.

In conclusion, building a strong brand is done through a concise and purposeful management strategy. It requires consistency in communication and constant attention to consumer feedback. It is from this commitment that your brand becomes unique and distinct from all others and that public recognition of your product arises.


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