
GetValue Blog

SMART objectives for achieving results Every communication strategy is based on the objectives that a brand wants to achieve, at a certain level and over a certain period of time. There are different techniques that help in the definition of these objectives, but it is possible to highlight one in the area of the marketing [...]
The importance of the persona in market strategy From a business perspective, know and, above all, understand who buys/will buy a company's products/services is fundamental for increasing sales and consequently achieving results. This analysis is only possible after the definition of a persona . What is a persona? A concept used in marketing to create [...]
The market study and its main indicators Market research is one of the essential tools whatever business moment a company finds itself in. Whether you are about to start up, in a development phase or even in a period of crisis, this research allows you to define business strategies more efficiently. In conclusion, the better [...]
Mission, Vision, Values: the 3 pillars of a brand The success of a brand depends, from the moment it enters the market, on the organizational culture. Rules, beliefs, habits, experiences and behaviours that are shared by all those who are part of the organization. Culture is the foundation, the DNA of the company. And as [...]
Do you know how the Google Algorithm works? Understanding how the SEO Algorithm works and being up to date with the constant changes is essential when you want to reach the top spots on Google's search page. The factors that allow us to reach this level are diverse and it is on them that we [...]
What is Influence Marketing? With the increase in the number of users on social networks and with the growing importance da communicatingtion through thises channelsI'm sure you've heard of the word the word " i nfluencer" (or " i nfluencer " in English). But what exactly is an influencer and how can este be part [...]
Making daily posts, editing images and videos, writing proper captions, and maintaining interaction with followers is a job that takes effort and requires organization. Also, we don't always feel creative when it comes to creating interesting content that allows us to get due prominence. In this article we will give you helpful tips on how [...]
What are the main Google Analytics metrics? You have a website set up, but don't know what metrics to track in Google Analytics? In this article we will share with you the most important metrics for analyzing your website's performance. Whether it's to improve your conversion rate, increase traffic, or improve the user experience, these [...]
Color Psychology in Marketing Have you heard of color psychology? Did you know that the meaning of colors can influence your customers' decisions? The truth is that colors can stimulate, guide and help you win over your target audience. The study of colors is a very important topic in the field of design but also [...]
What is the Marketing Funnel? The marketing funnel is used to visualize the steps that a customer goes through, from the initial awareness phase to the final conversion phase, (in wich they purchase a product/service). This process is visualized through a funnel because the number of people that advances through each stage becomes smaller and [...]