
GetValue Blog

Invisible Marketing : What it is and how it works Marketing is an area in constant evolution and innovation and nowadays it is essential to define effective strategies for products or services, whatever the sector. There are more and more aspects of marketing, and in this article we will address one form with increasing emphasis: [...]
Is Outbound Marketing an outdated tool? Marketing is a creative and innovative field and new tools emerge quickly. Outbound has its own purpose and, if worked properly, this can be a very useful tactic for your company. What is Outbound Marketing? Simply put, Outbound Marketing is a strategy with a more traditional advertising approach: it [...]
How to create a social media strategy? Is it worth spending a lot of time creating a social media strategy? Most people would probably say no. The high percentage of the population posting content on social media on a daily basis has created the false idea that managing social media is easy and does not [...]
Nowadays, many companies build their reputation in the virtual world through social media, which is mostly free of charge. However, the benefits of having your own website are numerous and indisputable and every successful brand has its own website. According to the Digital 2022 Report, there are 4.95 billion internet users, so being present in [...]
Marketing consultancy: what it is and the benefits for your brand Marketing consulting is a service that helps you make decisions in this area, through a complete diagnosis of your company. Its main aim is to ensure that your company is on the right track by thoroughly analyzing its strengths but also any problems that [...]
5 Types of Google Ads: which is the most effective? There are several ways to use Google Ads. But before you even think about paid campaigns, you need to understand if this investment makes sense for your business. Depending on your budget and urgency to attract visitors to your website, using Google Ads can be [...]
How branding is essential in building a strong brand The perception that the public has of a brand, as well as its strength in the market, depend on a management strategy: branding. This involves a series of actions that aim to make it recognized, respected and desired by the public.   First of all, what [...]
SEO: What is it and how important is it? According to according to statistics from Google Trends, dsince 2014, interest in the term"SEO" has been increasing at a steady pace. . This results from the growing need of companies to hire professionals in the field of Digital Marketing. While there are a variety of positions [...]
Are you unaware of the benefits of using email marketing? Find out everything in this article! Email Marketing is and has always been an excellent communication strategy that generates positive results for companies. In a nutshell, it is a channel to deliver the right messages, to the right people, at the right time. In this [...]